Become A Sponsor!
Graduates with experience
Reach passionate, driven students looking to solve your problems in their thesis work and extra curricular activity. Get access to our best and brightest right before they graduate and as they’re walking out the door.
Get in touch with the people who have the answers to your problems. We work closely with the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology at Polimi when running projects.
Polispace is a hive for those who wish to think bigger and do more. Our members want to make a real difference in space by developing your projects. Help us help you.
We have people who want to get familiar with and improve your products for you – you have a need to test and develop those products at competitive rates. Let’s help each other out.
Choose the perfect plan
Tier 1
- Social Media Visibility
- Named as sponsor in our stream / brochure
- Named as sponsor on our website and pitch presentation
Tier 2
- Social Media Visibility
- Named as sponsor in our stream / brochure
- Named as sponsor on our website and pitch presentation
- Access to internal CV list
Tier 3
- All of Tier 2 features
- Professional offers advertised and posted on our Website and/or media
- Inclusion of your logo on our sponsored merch
Tier 4
- Social Media Visibility
- Named as sponsor in our stream / brochure
- Named as sponsor on our website and pitch presentation
- Access to internal CV list
Not interested in the tier system? Fund our individual mission which makes the most sense to you by a Personalised Offer.
As our social networks are followed by many students or professionals, we can use our different accounts (Instagram, Linkedin) to transmit an advertisement or a specific communication from your company.
In order to allow students to keep track of the progress of our projects, we organize live events in which we can mention your company name and logo. We will also put your company name and logo in a “sponsor” category on our presentation brochure distributed for any event organized by PoliSpace.
Our association aims to establish strong and long term relationships with companies, in particular with the space industry. We therefore participate in many meetings where our association is presented through a pitch. We can mention your company and its logo in a dedicated slide, named ‘our ecosystem’, as a support to our development.
Active members of our association must undergo a selection process similar to the one of a company (sending CV and cover letter in English and participating in an interview held by the HR team members) allowing us to create a team of motivated and skilled people. We can give you access to an international list of CVs from different academic backgrounds (not only space related).
As our website is visited by many students in their final years, we offer you the possibility to publish professional offers on our site in order to promote your company (jobs, internships). This publication will be associated with several announcements within our association but also on our various social networks to reach a large number of people (as an indication, we received more than 800 applications when we published our first positions).
We will add your logo and company name on the sponsored merchandise we produce.
As an association, one of our goals is to run workshops to improve people’s skills in some of the harder skills and webinars to increase their awareness of industrial knowledge while giving them some proprietary knowledge on certain subjects. We will organize a workshop/webinar dedicated to your company where any topic can be covered. This event will be announced on our social networks and our website to reach a large audience. In case of online streaming for sanitary reasons, this event will be recorded and made available as a replay on our YouTube channel so that a larger number of people can access it.
In case you wish to realize a particular event in connection with the academic world, our members can propose to you a customized organization to reach a precise audience.
Our clients say