Polispace news

Polispace news

PoliSpace Wrapped 2021

We turn our gaze along the line of the horizon, towards the dark sky, towards that destiny that runs along the red thread of ancient

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Polispace news

New PoliSpace Webinar: JWST: looking into the past!

Join the next PoliSpace webinar: JWST looking into the past!

This presentation will provide an overview of the James Webb Space Telescope, which will succeed the Hubble Space Telescope in our quest for the first galaxies formed out of the darkness of the early universe.

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Polispace news

PoliSpace Turnover Ceremony

Event Details: On Friday 8/10/2021 there will be the PoliSpace Turnover Ceremony! During the evening you will see the medal handover from the outgoing to the incoming Head

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Polispace news

Rafting with PoliSpace!

Event Details: After an adrenaline-filled GoKart race, PoliSpace offers you a new initiative in the name of speed! Take part and live a magical experience

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#CubeSat Project – Orbastro Package

PoliSpace received a package from OrbAstro! It contains a flat-sat all-in-one platform for design, development, testing, validation and operations of payloads. This platform will allow

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