Experimental Payload V0

Sidereus Space Dynamics Collaboration


The experimental payload EPv0 is a project of the italian company Sidereus Space Dynamics developed, designed and built with the contribution of PoliSpace. EPv0 aims to characterize through measurements the payload bay of Sidereus’ launcher EOS.

Sidereus Space Dynamics is an Italian commercial launch vehicle company targeting the deployment of micro payloads into LEO and SSO.

With breakthrough propulsion system and vehicle design, Sidereus is bringing to life the first fully operational single stage to orbit launch vehicle.

The System

EPV0 has its own power supply thanks to batteries and its own memory storage units. The project is divided into 3 main subsystems: electric, software, and structure. Several sensors make the scientific suite to obtain the following measurements:
  • Accelerations
  • Angular velocities
  • Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Heat flux
EPv0 is currently being built by PoliSpace and it’s going to be implemented on Sidereus’ launcher and tested in the next months.