May 3, 2021

Oxygen has been created on Mars for the first time in history!

On April 20th, 2021, the world of space sciences and exploration accomplished a tremendous milestone by finally producing Oxygen on Mars. Scientists working on the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) have witnessed the first-ever mechanised creation of Oxygen in the planet’s history. Credit goes to a small, gold box-shaped instrument called ‘MOXIE’ installed […]

Oxygen has been created on Mars for the first time in history! Read More »

ESA Space Debris

Space Debris: A Modern Era’s Crucial Problem

The advancement of technology has made mankind achieve numerous events that were initially thought to be impractical. The interplanetary Mars missions from various space organisations have placed a ray of hope for human life expansion on other planets. NASA’s Ingenuity Mars helicopter mission is a recent example of the success of the technical improvements. The

Space Debris: A Modern Era’s Crucial Problem Read More »