Closed Projects

Closed Projects

FAST Project

The FAST team conceived and designed a futuristic engine able to take you from Paris to Tokyo in less than two hours!

The TRINITY engine provides unprecedented travel times, flexibility, and reusability being competitive in today’s economy. It also complies with today’s environmental standards thanks to the use of liquid hydrogen as fuel.

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Closed Projects

Lexicon Project

Lexicon design aims to improve the filtering solutions already adopted in the Apollo mission by reducing the required maintenance and increasing the number of possible applications. The system is based on a closed-cycle, involving an inert fluid coupled with a cyclone filter to collect the dust produced inside a dome accommodating the ISRUmachine. The system’s scalability is allowed by 3D printing almost all the components and assembling them in-situ, thus avoiding the transportation of bulky materials.

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Closed Projects


To increase our understanding of the chemical makeup of ice deposits on Mars and further humanityhumanity’s goal of being a multi planet species, AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics has launched a competition to design a cost effective sample return mission to retrieve Mars ice core sample s and ‘I Gelatai’ answered the call with a project with an original design: Ice CREAM Ice Collection and Retrieval Expedition Aimed at Mars mission.

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