AIAA mars project

DINING ON MARS: When you take Michelin stars literally

What will Martian colonist eat? 3D printed food, bioreactors and hydroponic cultivations will be the key of future food chain on both Earth and Mars. Let’s explore the most advanced technology in the food field.

DINING ON MARS: When you take Michelin stars literally Read More »


To increase our understanding of the chemical makeup of ice deposits on Mars and further humanityhumanity’s goal of being a multi planet species, AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics has launched a competition to design a cost effective sample return mission to retrieve Mars ice core sample s and ‘I Gelatai’ answered the call with a project with an original design: Ice CREAM Ice Collection and Retrieval Expedition Aimed at Mars mission.

ICE CREAM Mission Read More »

AIAA mars project

PoliSpace’s team for AIAA mars project has been built

As you may have noticed on our social pages, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is seeking for innovative Mars Sample Return mission projects designed by Bachelors. As PoliSpace is the right framework for developing this kind of challenge, we decided to form a crew of 10 people to reach Mars. Our Human

PoliSpace’s team for AIAA mars project has been built Read More »